Friday, January 18, 2013

From the phone

There are so many new things (thankfully, good things) happening right now that I feel compelled to add an update. I finished up my first residency toward my MFA last week and love being back in classes. This brief residency thing will mesh well with working. Let's hope it continues in such vein. I'm finally getting the hang of my iPhone after years of being the Blackberry holdout guy. For you others still holding out, I'll tell you that you get the hang of apps after about 6 weeks. And I just got Blogger on here, so this post is my test run to see if my joy continues. My health improves every day - blood pressure down, cholesterol down, and weight continuing down (still have a ways to go, but progress is progress!). I will take advantage of the good karma and keep moving forward. You do the same -

in love & light

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Me & Music

So what is it about me and music? I get all caught up in whatever I hear on the radio or on my iPod...and I obsess about it for hours or even days. I often find the inspiration for new writing (especially poems) in the music that fills my days. It may be an old gospel song or a drop beat house tune or some alternative song from the '80s or just some random pop song on top 40 radio. It goes back to that idea of the continuing conversation between poets from generation to generation - the idea that we all just keep talking to one another and responding with more poetry. Sometimes the song just reminds me of where I've been and what I may have thought at some time in my life. Most recently, Robin Thicke & Leighton Meester's Somebody to Love comes to mind. Yes, it's from 2009, but the words, the beat (and especially the video) keeps it in my usual dance music rotation. Looks like this is a perfect time for a dance break...
Enough rambling for today. Love & light!