Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Do somethin', then

On the drive from Lexington to Pikeville today, my iPod threw the Nappy Roots' tune, Sick and Tired, at me from out of the blue. Yes, I'm all over the board musically and listen to anything and everything done by phenomenal Kentucky musicians. Of course, the song has been in my standard rotation since I first heard it many years ago, but I hadn't heard it recently and it really struck me today. The part about "stop running" and "do something" really jumped out and smacked me across the face. I guess I needed that wake up call. After the layoff last June, I took the opportunity to put my life back on track and to pursue my dream of getting my MFA and teaching writing on a college campus. In recent months, I had become complacent with how things were moving along, but I have been lax on moving things ahead. A few weeks ago, I did apply and will start with the Bluegrass Writers Studio MFA program in January. Now, I have to get back on my submission bandwagon and get new work out there. So with this renewed energy, I decided to put up a new post here. Maybe I'll get more dedicated to talking about my new journey here. We'll see how it goes. In the meantime, here's the video for the song that got me started. Maybe it will help you think about doing somethin', then!

Love & light...

Monday, August 27, 2012

reversing the spiral

Since becoming unemployed 11 weeks ago, I have fallen into a pattern of waking and immediately going to the computer to begin my daily routine of careerbuilder searching, job board checking, and facebook updating. I've become rather efficient recently and so have added some side trips to youtube into my morning routine for variety and inspiration. This morning, youtube recommended a video that I had not watched in years and it's making me think about the hazards of falling into regular patterns and that I need to mix things up. So, this morning (and those going forward) will get a little punch from Michael and the boys. Love & light!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

million dollar bill

Last night, the news swept over Facebook like a slow wave generated from all the tears let loose my gay men and drag queens the world over...Ms. Whitney had died at the Beverly Hilton - only 48 years old.  Cause of death unclear, or not reported immediately.  Already beyond help when they found her at 3:55pm, they didn't even take her to the hospital.  Another sad, but somewhat expected, story from the music world.  I had to remember Amy Winehouse passing a few months back.  Another beautiful voice lost well before her time.  Another one lost to her demons who left us wonderful music to remember her.  I hope the media concentrates on her music and the good points from her life, rather than her troubles.  I hope she has found peace and that Bobbi Kristina & Cissy find solace in their family and friends.  I shared this video on Facebook when I heard and I'll share it here now, because Ms. Whitney's music always did make me feel like a million dollar bill...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Warning: Hetero Holiday Ahead

I've never been one for celebrating Valentine's Day, even during those years I have been in relationships when that hetero Hallmark holiday rolled around.  But I've got a smile on my face tonight thanks to the creative poets at FCKH8 and their latest video to counter those homophobes saying that gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of marriage.  I will warn you that some people may find the video offensive or too "in your face," but I say it makes a truthful and powerful statement.  I remember the intense criticism that people like Larry Kramer received early on in the fight for HIV and AIDS awareness with the outspoken radical thinking of groups like ACT UP!  Very different issues, but similar tactics.  I'll just cut this post short, get off my soapbox, and let you decide for yourself.  Watch it or don't watch it...your choice.

Leave a comment if you want.

Friday, February 10, 2012

haiku habit

Since February is National Haiku Writing Month (or just NaHaWriMo for those cool literary types into shortening & crushing everything into some fun little acronym), I challenged myself (and many of my friends – on & off Facebook) to take up the haiku habit for the month. I set a goal to write one haiku (at least) per day for the 29 days that make up February 2012. I have been successful (so far) and had the flash of brilliance earlier this week that I would begin sharing them more widely in my social media than just on Facebook. So here’s a quick recap of what you’ve missed if you aren’t my Facebook friend or following me on Twitter.  I don't usually post any of my poetry online because so many journal editors consider online self-publishing as "previously published," but I'm going to go out on a limb with these little gems.  They start with today and go in reverse order...and, yes, there are more than ten as I had a few days where one was not enough.  I hope you enjoy!

pious imbalance –
the bright shiny halo slips,
becomes golden noose

toddlers, tiaras:
poetry is go go juice,
haiku – my flavor

big fluffy snowflakes
I must steal a closer look!
intricate beauty

my morning surprise
yesterday’s warmth escaped quick
glistening blanket
dry asthmatic coughs
wading through ancient volumes
paltry price to pay

morning’s icy coat
weighs heavily on new buds
winter snuck back in

late night summer breeze
carries chapel friends voices
Appalachian bliss

rain falling gently
head tilted back, open mouth
cleanse my dusty soul

By month’s end, I’ll scream
I struggle in haiku hell
by my own choosing!

Phil saw his shadow,
but Buckeye Chuck, he did not!
Nature is confused.

Let the haiku flow –
my writerly friends let loose.
Nature knows we’re off!

Feel free to comment below and let me know what you think (or give me a suggestion for my next haiku!).  I'll keep posting them in batches (maybe one post each week).

a little Friday inspiration...as if you need it

Some days, if you are anything like me, you just need a little extra push to get you through the day...or just to get the day started off right.  I often turn to poetry - either writing it or reading it - as my motivational mechanism of choice.  For those of you who may need that boost this morning (or any time you may have stumbled upon this page), here's one of my favorite poems from an amazing poet.
I love her laugh...it is enough to fill my joy for the entire week.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

my go go juice

In my past, I've relied on some bad things and bad people for that so-called "go go juice" for happiness and motivation.  More recently, poetry has become my go go juice and for the month of February, haiku is my flavor.  I fell into another Na(insert your favorite genre, form, or whatever here)WriMo trap and decided to pursue the National Haiku Writing Month badge - write one haiku every day during the month of February.  I thought it's only 17 syllables a day...or 493 syllables for the entire month.  Yes, this year gives February 29 days.  I decided to do it for leap year - just for the added challenge!  Well, my writing has surprised me - not only in quality, but also in quantity.

Every morning (and so far, that's only eight of them), I have written a haiku with my morning coffee and oatmeal.  On two of those days (one of them being this morning), I composed two!  Today, I posted the second as just an added treat on my Facebook timeline.  The second one I did on the 6th, I just put away for later distribution...maybe I'll share it on another day.  It has proved a good exercise in building the writing habit and exercising our writing skills.  So, today, I venture out on my blog in hopes of reviving it and actually sticking with it for what remains of the month of February.  Here's my thoughts...I'll share my haiku habit here as well as on Facebook (maybe I should include Twitter and Tumblr, so they don't feel left out of the social media equation).  It will at least have me visiting my own site every day and I hope I can give a little insight into my writing process, some helpful poetry prompts, maybe some interesting background information from my class discussions, and just generally what's happening in my life and around this wonderful Commonwealth I call home.  That's my promise for today...now, back to the grind!