Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Do somethin', then

On the drive from Lexington to Pikeville today, my iPod threw the Nappy Roots' tune, Sick and Tired, at me from out of the blue. Yes, I'm all over the board musically and listen to anything and everything done by phenomenal Kentucky musicians. Of course, the song has been in my standard rotation since I first heard it many years ago, but I hadn't heard it recently and it really struck me today. The part about "stop running" and "do something" really jumped out and smacked me across the face. I guess I needed that wake up call. After the layoff last June, I took the opportunity to put my life back on track and to pursue my dream of getting my MFA and teaching writing on a college campus. In recent months, I had become complacent with how things were moving along, but I have been lax on moving things ahead. A few weeks ago, I did apply and will start with the Bluegrass Writers Studio MFA program in January. Now, I have to get back on my submission bandwagon and get new work out there. So with this renewed energy, I decided to put up a new post here. Maybe I'll get more dedicated to talking about my new journey here. We'll see how it goes. In the meantime, here's the video for the song that got me started. Maybe it will help you think about doing somethin', then!

Love & light...